My Presentation:
Resources Shared:
Connect With Other Teachers:
- Middle School Social Studies Facebook Group
- Social Studies Collaborative Drive
- Rubistar: Rubric Generator
Quinn Rollins (@jedikermit)
- Blog: Play Like a Pirate
- Design a Uniform
- POP! & Action Figures
- Blog: POP! Series US Industrialist
Virtual Museums via Dr. Keeler
Karalee Nakatuska (@historyfrog)
Google Maps
Ryan O'Donnell: (@creativeedtech)
- Blog: Creative Ed Tech
- Templates (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more)
Social Media Progressive Era Project
- Directions and Resources
- Snap Chat Template (Google Draw)
- Snap Chat Template (Printable)
Fake Text Message Generators
- SMS Generator (
- FakePhone Text
Trading Cards
- Trading Cards Generator (Read Write Think)
Netflix Series
- Directions and Templates (via Buzzworthy Projects)
- Other Buzzworthy Project Based Learning and Digital Breakouts
Breaking News
- Newspaper Templates (PPT)
- Breaking News Generator (
- Blog Post: Extra Extra....Using Newspapers in the Classroom
- Adobe Spark (For Education)
- Motivator
- Automotivator
- Keep Calm
- Festisite
- Blog Post: Inspirational Posters in the Classroom
- Comic Template (Printable)
- MakeBelieve Comix
- Comic Creator (Read Write Think)
- Story Board That
- Hero Generator
- Superhero Template (Via Quinn Rollins)
- Blog Post: Up In The Sky: Look It's A Bird. It's A Plane.....
Check out some of my older Blog Posts for ideas:
- My NETA 2018 Takeaways
- AppPalooza: Some Fun Creative Websites and Apps
- Digital Dipsticks: Easy Tools for Formative Assessments
- A Nation of Immigrants
- Progressive Era Social Media Project
- My NETA 2015 Takeaways
- These Are A Few of My Favorite Things
- You Died of Dysentery!: Resources on the Oregon Trail
- Creating a Decision Making Game