Monday, February 15, 2016

Hail To The Chiefs.....President Day Resources

Me at the White House
February is a month of two of America's most well known President's Birthdays; Abraham Lincoln February 12th and George Washington February 22nd. Washington's Birthday was created as a Federal Holiday in 1879 during the President of Rutherford B. Hayes as a way to commemorate the first president.  

In 1971 under the Uniform Holiday Act Washington's Birthday was moved to the Third Monday in February. Although it is still is officially celebrated by the Federal Government  as Washington's Birthday in modern time it is more commonly referred to as President's Day, a date to celebrate all our US Presidents.
Little Abe at the White House

So in Honor of Washington's Birthday (a.ka. President's Day) here are some great resources to learn about POTUS: The President of the United States.

President's Day Resources

Watch These YouTube Videos

Presidential Morph (Washington to Obama)

60 Second Presidents via PBS Presidents

A History of the U.S. Presidential Inauguration Day via WatchMojo

How We Choose Our President: Primaries and Caucuses via SeePolitical

New Resources:

June 2016: Check out the many different types of pets from Alligators, Turkeys, Bear Cubs, and so much more at the White House Pets via The President Pet Museum 

What are some of your favorite President of the United States Resources? I would love to hear about them in the comments section below.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Will You Be My Valentine?

Happy Valentine's Day.

I hope that you were able to spend this day with that special person in your life. I thought I would post a few things.

History of Valentine's Day Video

Here is a good short animated video on the History of St. Valentine.

Historical Valentine's Day Cards

These are some Historical Valentine's Day Cards I created used Strip Design (for IOS). See some other great resources to make your own on some of my blog post: Making Inspirational Posters for your Classroom. This might make for a fun activity for student's to make their own historical Valentine's Day Cards.

APUSH Pick Up Lines via Daniel Jocz

These are pretty funny. Check out his other great APUSH resources at APUSH Explained  and follow Daniel on Twitter (@joczproductions ) and APUSH Explained (@APUSH_Guru ) 

Do you have any great activities or resources you like to do with students on Valentine's Day? I would love to hear in the comments below.